Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Monday January 19

MLK Day sorry excuse me its MLKJ Day

I had lunch on this day with my awesome friend Eli, she 7, and her mom Athena (she's pretty cool too) and at lunch i asked her what she did on MLK Day. Well she corrected me by saying " its MLKJ Day" i kinda looked at her crooked and she said "Martin Luther King Junior!"...Oh i got schooled! Thank you very much I appreciate the lesson!

So she went on to tell me how she went to help feed homeless and hand out spoons for there chili. Her and her mom went met up with UPR of Detroit (United Peace Relief http://www.myspace.com/uprdetroit headed by Jean Wilson who is herself a movement!) to cook food and then went to the NSO (Neighborhood Service Organization www.nso-mi.org) on Third just south of MLK Blvd. (ahh!) There is where she handed out spoons and overcame her fear of meeting so many needy people. Her mom said she was scared at first by all the men dressed in tattered clothes and needing help, but soon overcame it!

My friend works for an auto company that grants their employees x-amount of hours a year to volunteer for non-profit organizations which i think is very admirable! I am not sure how she meet up with UPR but when i saw Jean some time later and asked if she remembered them she most certainly did and said Eli was adorable and worked very hard! Like mother like daughter and how wonderful is it to instill in your children at such a young age the importance of helping others. Just another way i can say as an outsider this little girl is going to grow up to be an amazing woman....a wonderful reflection of her mother...i am proud to know them both! And tickled pink to be Eli's girlfriend!

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