Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Catching up on old blogs- Jan 25th - 28th, 2009

Jan 25th - 28th, 2009

Didn't do too much roaming around this week..stuck to my normal paths. Ran into Kaseen a few times this week at the top of the Lodge exit on my way to work and ran into Bryan a few times on my way home on the Blvd over 75. Both very polite and thankful. I gave both of them huge sausage logs i got from Faith and Brick from their Hickory Farms gift pack!!! they gave me some non-fridge needing cheeses too!!! yea for re-gifting!! Both of those gentlemen were very thankful...and so was I! Thank you very much Faith and Brick. I got more socks from Bacon this week too!! He went to a resale shop and picked up a few packages of New socks for a great deal!!! yea!! thank you!!!

one of these days i was driving north on Cass when i saw a man i had thought about the week before. His name was David and i used to give him all the returnables from the art openings when i worked at the Wayne State University Art Galleries ( the Community Arts and the Elaine L. Jacob). He used to wander campus picking up bottles, great place to do it too! I even gave him a ride to the grocer once when i saw him with a huge bag, yes Sandra i used your car to do this..please don't kill me! So i had been wondering about him and then i saw him pushing a cart south Cass. I was tired and almost didn't swing around but i had too.. so i did. i pulled up in front of him and waited for him to come up beside me. It had been years since i had seen him, he had gained some weight and lost some life in eyes. i said "hello David" and told him my name and asked him if he was hungry. He was so i gave him a bag of full of food and he was on his way. I was happy i had seen as i had wondering but i was sad too. Not that i would ever know but life didn't look like it life had gotten any better for him..and that made me sad. I then wondered about the woman who used to roam around campus with for about a year...

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